


This is where you will find, yes you guessed it, some lyrics to a couple MCD originals.


"Always and Forever"

From the first time I saw you
You’ve brought peace to my life
You’ve shown me what's right
I’ve never felt so alive

We’ve been thru so much
your like a angel in the sky
I want to hold you, grasp you

I need you by my side

When were apart
there’s a burning inside
Cant I just be by you
Forever at your side

Always and forever

Our love was meant to be
You’re the only one, my everything
Forever you and me

Always and forever
Our love was meant to be
Were the best out there
Always you and me

Always and forever….


"The Devil Snake"

They say that snakesAre to fear

But that’s a bunch of bull

 Theyre nothing more than crawly things

That live inside a hole


Snakes are harmless

Snakes are your friend

Don’t be scared

Cuz snakes only defend

 Snakes are harmless

Snakes are your friend

Don’t be scared

Cuz it’s all in your head

Im here to tell you to end all your fears

No sleepless night with bottles of beer

The fear of snakes is irrational

There’s no reason to fret








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This site was last updated 05/28/02